This week was all about get up and go! I found myself extremely drained as for another university module we were put in groups to organise out own exhibition. Causing this week to be extremely nerve wracking as there was a lot of preparation and organisation required to hold the event. Since the previous week my placement leader Lynsey was unwell, she allowed myself and Victoria to take the time to work on preparation for the event. This was a complete god send as it elevated some stress. However, with the launch night being on Monday and my placement taking place every Tuesday it was fair to say I was extremely under slept from the celebrations from the night before. Nevertheless, I pulled through and got the photos for that week.
Although I was a bit disappointed this week as usually, I am able to borrow the sigma macro lens from the store at university. Unfortunately, it was not available this week as we are currently off for the easter break and my assumptions are that someone has borrowed it long term for the holidays. Therefore, I felt my images this week lacked the intense shallow depth of field and close detailed compositions. I feel I was still able to capture some nice shots, choosing to focus on the larger rhododendrons as they didn’t require as much of a zoomed lens to view the intricacies. During my wanders this week I also noticed the buzzing of bees, which hadn’t been as predominant in my previous visits. Bringing a sense of optimism for the next upcoming week as the weather gets warmer, introducing cute or quirky insects that might make intriguing focal points.
In other news I was really pleased to see that Charlotte had liked my images so much that she had changed the RBGE Facebook cover photo to one of my images! I will also be meeting Charlotte in person next week alongside Ellie a new social media director to discuss new marketing/photo ideas. I am excited to finally meet them as it will be lovely to get a feel for what direction they are thinking of going in and what myself and Victoria can do to help boost their engagement for social media.
As for next week I have emailed the store in hopes I am able to return using the macro lens as normal, as I believe it elevates my images and gives them a higher quality finish. If not I am glad I have proven to myself this week I can still capture pleasant closeup images.